Welcome to our blog area. It is great to see you here!.
This blog was born as we sat through a Vistage leadership summit where Mark Fritz explored how an empowered leadership team delivers the future faster. We empathised a great deal with what was being discussed and identified how we could do our part in sharing our lessons learned driving change across distances and cultures.
The value of great vision immediately diminishes without action.
Like we advocate our clients, we measure our success by the value we provide, making people management, strategic partnerships, product management, development and operations more effective.
This blog intends to periodically share with you how to's, lessons learned, observations, motivations and interviews of interest to entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs working to:
Create a bigger impact on their customers
Grow the value of their business assets
Increase their profile as an employer of choice
Attract new partnerships
Generate new opportunities
Access better ways of working to maximise the success they envisioned for their business.
Find time for improving themselves and their relationships (business and private)
With several businesses transitioning into a software-based world, CEOs, C-level teams and management need to unlearn legacy business approaches that worked in the past, learn new ways of operating and embrace digital to:
Be effective, profitable and sustainable within their domain
Ship digital products and experiences to customers globally 24/7/365
Be a data and technology-enabled business
The topics we will explore are based on shop-floor experience. We value working with teams across the entire business. We can place a bold underline on our passion for interacting with the people operating at the 'coal face' level. That is where you understand the depths of the detail on how your business works, what drives the engine (tech, people, purpose, drivers), and the practical realities of making any change to achieve a desired set of outcomes.
Leverage these lessons learned to help you focus on the possible, not the theory that looks great on PowerPoint.
We look forward to learning more about how our experience gained over 20+ years leading global software businesses, virtual organisations and building strong and diverse teams enable you to drive powerful and actual change to your approach, business, peers and teams.
We also see this space as an area to share with you periodic articles/reviews we come by that have provided value to us and can be of interest to you across:
Financial intelligence
Leveraging Technology
...and more.
We know that our professional and personal lives would not be the same without the information that our mentors shared with us, our grit, our mistakes and our experiences - the good and the less positive.
We look forward to progressively sharing our notes and lessons learned with you.
Your friendly neighbourhood Holivia Leadership Team