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Accelerate value realisation

We have learned that leading with culture, and engaging individuals, is the most effective way to steward an integration.

Holivia Leadership puts people first – so that everyone feels valued, heard, and integral to the process. With people as our priority, we mitigate fear and frustration, create collaboration, and optimize the talents of everyone involved.

Growth and change are a journey. We go all-in with you because we know that change does not happen overnight.

It’s not business as usual. It’s business as new, unexpected, surprising, and energizing.


How we do it

Acquisitions are very emotional – even though they appear to be data-driven – in reality, they are very much people-driven. That is why we put all of our efforts into laying out a process and ensuring that people are enabled and excited to follow it.

We are all committed to bringing rigour to every engagement while putting people first. And though we know what works, we also know that flexibility is always part of any successful integration.

We always align to best practices and are pragmatic in our approach. We will adapt our playbooks to fit the personality and perspectives of your organization. For you, this means your integration roadmap is customized, curated and communicated in the best possible way for your business and your people.

Our Approach

We uphold a consistent, comprehensive four-phased approach of understanding, planning, executing, and reflecting to ensure that value drivers of the deal are intentionally protected – it is codified within the process.

Establishing this level of governance without a cumbersome administrative burden sets the tone for success.

Since it is on the front lines where all the mistakes happen, we gather intelligence from those in the trenches (they know how to avoid the landmines), and we distil that wisdom into actionable outcomes.

We take integration from chaos to control through this proven methodology as we work alongside you to align your teams, create direction, and navigate the journey from today to tomorrow.

In this high-touch model, we will work with you 3 man-days a week throughout the duration of the engagement, depending on the complexity and maturity stage of the deal under consideration.

During the Understanding and Planning phase, we expect the work to be a mix of remote and on-site at your business office. Once the transaction is complete and in the Execution phase, we fully expect the engagement to require a mix of remote and on-site across all of the locations the businesses are being merged as needed. 

Reflections are done both in-person and remote depending on the location and viability to centralise key stakeholders for this important post-execution reflection exercise. 

Not all journeys are the same

An integration roadmap is a product of the collaboration between both our team and yours. Together we are navigators and drivers on a journey of growth.

Many paths will lead to your desired destination. Each route has varying degrees of sophistication and completeness.

Holivia Leadership can help you select and navigate the route that gets us there as efficiently, effectively, and risk-free as possible.

The fuel required to traverse the path to a more profitable tomorrow is not money. It is the harnessing of the passion and energy within the people involved to fulfil the strategy.

It is only in uniting people, product & processes through a common vision, a deeply felt purpose, and a broadly shared dream that will continue to motivate stakeholders to push on during the change process.

Understanding this, we focus heavily on establishing alignment, communicating for buy-in, and developing a sense of adventure to deliver integrations.

What results is an acquisition integration roadmap that focuses on the change as a combined team with a rigorous program management playbook that leads to lasting transformation, effectively protecting the investment and often unlocking new and unexpected value.

Accelerate time-to-value from 4 years to 1

Navigate with confidence

Align the 4Ps = People, Product, Processes and Partnerships

Helping you align people, products and processes to create a combined high-performance organisation.

Play the video: Digital Leadership

​Navigate Digital Mergers (M&A)

Navigate Digital Mergers - Map

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